Switching career: How to Success on a Career Change

On the 26th of January, at Luxembourg School of Business, it was all about Successful Career Change! During a Panel Discussion, our three panellists, Alessia Codiglione from POST Luxembourg, Christophe Douche from Carne Group, and Andrew Notter from Anderson Wise, pulled together a wealth of wisdom and advice for the audience on how to successfully handle career changes.

The main takeaways of the event: 
-All decisions have a risk and a reward that we have to measure: Career progression only comes by taking risks 🎯
-The longer we stay in the same job, the less we develop.  Our comfort zone is the enemy of growth! 📈
-We don’t have to be 100% prepared when we go for new opportunities: If our motivations for switching jobs are the right ones, and we have the right soft skills, technical skills can be learned 🤓
-The more we make changes, the more we increase our capacity to change and learn 💪

changing career
switching career conference
switch of career conference

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