April 24th, 2024| Off Comments off on Conference: Navigating the future of Generative AI – Balancing the promise and its challenges on the 6th of June at 18:30|

Conference: Navigating the future of Generative AI – Balancing the promise and its challenges on the 6th of June at 18:30

Generative AI stands at the forefront of technological innovation, reshaping industries and redefining creative processes. As its capabilities expand, so do the questions surrounding its ethical implications and societal impact. The “Navigating the Future of Generative AI” conference is a comprehensive exploration of this rapidly evolving landscape, designed to delve deep into this groundbreaking technology’s promise and perils.

What you will learn:

  1. Transformative Potential: This session will showcase the incredible advancements made possible by Generative AI across various domains, from art and design to medicine and finance. Experts will highlight case studies and real-world applications, illustrating how Generative AI is revolutionizing industries and unlocking new possibilities.
  2. Ethical Considerations: As Generative AI becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, questions of ethics and responsibility come to the forefront. Discussions will address topics such as algorithmic bias, data privacy, and the implications of autonomous creative systems. Ethicists, technologists, and policymakers will engage in dialogue to navigate these complex ethical landscapes.
  3. Technical Challenges: Building powerful Generative AI models requires overcoming many technical hurdles. From scalability and interpretability to robustness and fairness, this session will explore the technical challenges inherent in developing and deploying Generative AI systems.
  4. Societal Impact: Generative AI has the potential to reshape society in profound ways, from changing the nature of work to influencing cultural norms and values. This session will examine the broader societal implications of Generative AI adoption, addressing issues such as job displacement, intellectual property rights, and the democratization of creativity.

Link to Register here

About the Speaker

Joey is a corporate leader and also a tech entrepreneur. He lectures at Singapore Management University and Nanyang Technological University and coached and helped various entrepreneurs in the regions. He has a passion for business disruption and technology innovation with more than 23 years of experience in the Info comm Industry, of which 11 years are in business engineering and transformation. He currently sits on various corporate and government advisory boards and resides in Singapore.

In his corporate job, Joey leads the Strategic Pursuits & Sustainability for Amazon Web Services based out of Singapore. He drives strategic corporate collaborations and growth strategy with key customers in the region, helping them address organizational approach to environmental responsibilities with business and digital transformation. 

Before AWS, Joey leads the Business Strategy team in Alibaba Group Globalization office, working with various government agencies and Alibaba ecosystem businesses to drive innovation in cross border trades, build mega hubs in various continents and facilitate eCommerce businesses across the globe (Liege, Bangkok, Hongkong, Kuala Lumpur and Yiwu). 


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